Saturday, 21 April 2012


Shirts and Pants


The boys' wardrobe really is rather limited. I will have to make amends. But here are 3 very fine shirts - if a little square - and some shorts! They are beautifully made. I think my taste in boys clothes is slowly evolving! Just need a bit more pizazz! I think a shirt or two from Lorraine's New Zealand inspired range might do the trick!

Shirts by from he left: Alexissofie, Stela
Shorts by Michelle, Stela and Petrana

The picture is a little sharper than the earlier one. I moved closer to the object and had less trimming to do.  Maybe that helped. The light was worse than yesterday. Will continue to work on this.


Serenata said...

The clarity does look much better.

Thank you for the mention, I do hope you like the shorts & shirts when they arrive! They are certainly fun and snazzy! ;-)

Theodora said...

Oh, I shall look forward to getting some nice things for the lads! Romy looks rather like Henry. Such a sweet, innocent face! I think Romy can go on loosing hair for a bit before something will have to be done about it! It is just the odd strand so far.