Friday, 15 November 2013


A Passion for Dollydoodles! 

I don’t know how it happened, but I now have 8 boys! All very cute, none of them very special, and clearly one or two of them de trops! So there weren’t enough Dollydoodles outfits to go around and the same goes for Passion for Sasha, so we mixed and matched! Also, the light in the room is still not too good, but one gets the general idea.

I had to put them in my blog. There were complaints that it's all about the girls! Now; which one of you would like to go to a new home, I wonder...


Julie said...

Definitely very cute! A new home :(

Theodora said...

I have no idea how they multiply! One of the Sasha mysteries! How many boys do you have Julie??? Karin x

Serenata said...

They look great Karin. Eight is a good number to have :-) They can pair off or just hang out as a group!

Dee said...

Loving all their outfits. They all look very handsome, don't know how you will part with any ! It's always so hard to pick one to go !!
They look so well together maybe you could let them stay :)

Theodora said...

I never thought of it like that!!! I suppose they are quite happy as they are!!! xxx Karin

Theodora said...

You are all so kind! I may have to ask Yasmin (daughter) to pick a couple. Let her ruthless eye wonder over them all and see who she thinks is superfluous! She would love that task, the heartless girl! xxx Karin

SimplySasha said...

What a handsome bunch! You will have to do a post so we can vote for their eviction like they do on Big Brother :)

Theodora said...

Did I just mention on your blog what a good-hearted person you are? I may have to revise this opinion ever so slightly, Ronnie. A Big Brother style eviction may be just a tad cruel! xxx Karin

SimplySasha said...

Oh I don't know could send them off with a teddy bear each to soften the blow :)

Theodora said...

Ok, who would get your vote then, Ronnie! There is only one who is an early boy, and he is of 1971 Vintage - with falling hair and needing re-stringing! the others are all post 1974! Hardly worth keeping any of them??? xxx

Theodora said...

Forgot to mention little Benjamin, who is also around 1970 - but then you know him, don't you?

SimplySasha said...

Benjamin must definitely stay :)
You have started something here Karin, we need a mugshot of each of the usual suspects so we can make a choice:) And they are ALL worth keeping really...except maybe the 71 with falling hair, but that is just me and my aversion to falling hair :)

Theodora said...

You know, the one I have never really bonded with is the one I call Sebastian. In the first picture he is back -middle, lots of dark brown hair. He is late 70s early 80s, a perfect specimen. Too pristine, if you see what I mean! I am quite fond of them if they have the odd flaw! So, if anyone is looking for a home, I think it would have to be Sebastian! xxx

DollMum said...

mix and match is much natural - just like real boys.

Dee said...

Ronny says this about falling hair Karin because she's lost so much of her own ! :)

Theodora said...

Oh wow, young Dee!!! Quite below the belt, I fear! So glad to actually know that you really love one another!!!

Theodora said...

Thank you Anna! One does what one can! xxx Karin

SimplySasha said...

Watch it Dee!! :) :)

Sharon said...

I think 8 is a nice number....I have 4 boys now...and I'm not sure how that happened either!
I love how you have them all dressed Karin, but who should go? That's a question that I would struggle with the answer too also! I'm trying to downsize my BJDs and I'm finding that hard enough!!!
Hugs Sharon xx

Theodora said...

It's a dilemma, Sharon. Some people are doll collectors, some are doll mothers. I have a feeling I fall into the latter category!!! I should feel terrible sending any of them off to live with someone else! xxx Karin

Theodora said...

Now, now girls! Play nice! xxx

Dee said...


Kendal said...

Eight is a perfect, and an even, number for lads in a collection, so IMO no-one need go.

Theodora said...

Thank you Kendal! I don't have the heart to boot any of them out in any case! xxx Karin